
30 September 2004

Taking on Tom Delay 

Taking on Tom Delay: |Here are the latest headlines exposing Tom DeLay's arrogance and abuse of his position. You can help remove this power-monger from office by contributing to Richard Morrison's campaign.|

13 September 2004

Amnesty International report on Racial Profiling 

Threat and Humiliation: Racial Profiling, National Security, and Human Rights in the United States
|Despite promises by President George W. Bush shortly after his taking office to end racial profiling, the number of American ethnic, racial, and religious groups whose members are at high risk of being subjected to this scourge has increased substantially. To address this growing national problem, Amnesty International USA (AIUSA) urges the White House and Congress to prioritize and enact the End Racial Profiling Act of 2004 and allocate sufficient funds for its vigorous enforcement.|

08 September 2004

a marvelous rendition 

radiohead news: : Rodeohead?
|comedian Chris Hardwick and his band mate Mike Phirman have recorded a "Radiohead bluegrass medley" under the moniker Rodeohead.|

07 September 2004

alas, dissent isn't always a life/death situation 

WALK FOR LABOR: Annual march draws unions, a voter drive and a lone dissenter
|"I'm not afraid of dying or getting beat up," he said. "I've had a good life."|

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